About us
The Rural Business and Markets Development Agency (LitFOOD) is a non-profit, limited civil liability public entity, acting in the fields of markets regulation for agricultural and food products, foreign trade and provision of methodological assistance to economic operators.
The purpose of the establishment activities is to satisfy public interests, to implement the policy measures for the regulation and organization of agriculture and food products market, to promote export, to administrate export/import measures, to control and monitor unfair buying and selling of raw milk by raw milk sellers and raw milk buyers, to coordinate vocational training of agricultural and rural development participants, and to create and implement national heritage product marketing.
Specs about this supplier
Affiliated categories: | Consulting services |Dairy |Proteins More |
Products featured at Fi Europe 2024
Lithuanian Food&Beverage producer products
Lithuanian Food&Beverage producer products
Lithuanian Food&Beverage producer products
Lithuanian Food&Beverage producer products
Lithuanian Food&Beverage producer products
Lithuanian Food&Beverage producer products
Lithuanian Food&Beverage producer products
Lithuanian Food&Beverage producer products
Lithuanian Food&Beverage producer products