Xtendra Clear

27 Sep 2023


Xtendra Clear

Commerical Fryers consume large amounts of oil for frying and lose some at the end of the process. A common practice is to discard this frying oil after use since it contains many volatile and non-volatile compounds. The second developing problem is the phenomenon of monoculture plantations due to the explosion in demand for edible oils; has already created a shortage of other forest reserves and imbalance in the food chain.While it seems impossible to reduce oil consumption, fortunately, we have oil recycling solutions. You can do it at your own facility and profit from recycling and reusing it. The frying oil industry can also ensure sustainability by protecting the environment.
Xtendra Clear is a sustainable, oil-recycling solution that delivers safe, renewable, and clear oil through filtration. The white crystalline powder works as an adsorbent, improves oil quality metrics, and reduces environmental harm.