Product description

Neotron SpA offers a wide range of analytical and technical services which includes irradiated foods. It belongs to food and feed category. The effect of the treatment with ionising radiations is a reduction of the microbial contamination or an anti-sprouting action on potatoes, onions and garlic. The ionising radiations are used on products on which the effect of a possible thermal treatment might cause qualitative modifications of the same. There are several products which have been legally or illegally irradiated, but with no indication on the label of the treatment undergone. Matrices: Spices, dry extracts, beverages, fruit juices, meat, coffee, semolina pasta, seasoning, crustaceans, fish, flours, salt, nuts, stuffed pasta, rice, preparations, purees, dietary supplements, potatoes, vegetables, cheese, baby food. Analytical technique: Most food products contain mineral fragments, typically silicates or inorganic materials such as calcite (carbonates). When these materials are exposed to ionising radiations they accumulate energy "trapping" charge carriers at interstitial, structural or impurities level. A following stimulation, through electromagnetic radiations with appropriate wave length, release the above-mentioned "trapped" carriers producing an emission of photostimulated luminescence (PSL). The measurement of PSL signal is used for determining if the material has been irradiated.
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