
Company description

The International Trade Centre (ITC) will support a Filipino delegation of 10 exporters at Food Ingredients Europe 2024, showcasing a variety of coconut products. We are excited to highlight the Philippines' rich coconut industry and promote its diverse range of high-quality coconut-based ingredients to a global audience.

Quick facts

Primary business activity Government /Pavilion Organiser /Trade Association
Affiliated categories: Branded Finished Products |Oils & Fats More

Upcoming events

19 nov 2024

Fi Europe 2024

19 - 21 Nov 2024 Frankfurt, Germany Visit us at stand 4.2C19 Book a meeting See our Exhibitor Profile   See full Exhibitor List

Recently at

28 nov 2023

Fi Europe

28 - 30 Nov 2023 Frankfurt, Germany We were at stand 4.0G72 See our Exhibitor Profile   See full Exhibitor List

Categories affiliated with ITC Serbia

ITC Serbia

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