Multi-walled paper openmouth sacks with polyethylene or EVOH liner

Product description

multi-walled paper open mouth sacks with polyethylene or EVOH liner For food applications, such as milk and whey powder.  At the customer’s request,  with/without polyethylene  hotmelt closure.
We also manufacture high-end packaging used for pharmaceutical products and baby food. These markets impose high requirements to packaging materials. Stempher is certified for both ISO 9001:2015 and HACCP: BRC Packaging GRADE AA and is perfectly equiped to produce these challenging packaging materials.
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Sales markets Western Europe
Supplied from Netherlands
Product Applications Dairy; Food Supplements; Infant Nutrition/ Baby Foods & Infant Formula
Product Certifications Health & Safety (GMP, HAACP and equivalents)

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Multi-walled paper openmouth sacks with polyethylene or EVOH liner

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