Preservatives - Potassium Sorbate | Sorbic Acid |

Product description

Preservatives are food additives that play an important role in making foods last longer or taste better. Specifically, preservatives help to control and prevent the deterioration of food, providing protection against spoilage from micro-organisms (e.g., bacteria, yeast, moulds), life-threatening botulism and other organisms that can cause food poisoning (antimicrobial function).
Food preservatives are necessary to ensure the safety and variety of different foodstuffs available. They function through delaying the spoiling of foodstuffs and preventing any alterations in their taste or appearance. Their assessment and use in foodstuffs is tightly controlled by various regulatory bodies across the world.

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Categories Preservatives
Sales markets Asia
Supplied from China; India
Product Certifications Halal; Kosher

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Preservatives - Potassium Sorbate | Sorbic Acid |

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