Product description

Slim Extreme is the strongest weight loss product in the Biotica 1961 portfolio. The formula includes some of the most powerful ingredients for burning subcutaneous fat and controlling appetite. This extreme body weight reducer is recommended for people who want to lose more weight, have an enlarged stomach, and a high amount of subcutaneous fat.

Significantly reduces appetite within the first few days of use;

Stimulates the burning of subcutaneous fat;

Eliminates excess fluids and toxins from the body;

Up to -15 kg with three months of therapy*;

Without the "yo-yo" effect;

▶ One package of Slim Extreme contains 60 capsules = 60 daily doses. The product can also be taken in a second regimen: 1 capsule daily for the first 10 days, followed by 2 capsules per day for a period of 25 days (35 daily doses).

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