E-Potion Flavour for Energy Drink

26 Aug 2024


E-Potion Flavour for Energy Drink

The new Matrix energy drink flavours were developed as a need was noticed in the market. Flavour is an important aspect in determining the acceptance and the purchase decision of an energy drink by the consumer. The new Matrix energy drink flavours deliver an appealing taste character, masking some off notes and aftertaste found in certain functional ingredients. Not only did Matrix think of the need for natural flavours, also one of the growing target groups was addressed; E-gamers. Energy and eye health are highly important for this consumer group. Tired eyes and energy drains are two of the biggest fears of e-gamers. Energy drink manufacturers can support them in their journey of becoming champions by offering energy drinks specific to their needs. At Matrix, we have developed new flavours for a great taste, along with ingredients that improve eye health.
The Matrix energy drink range includes the following flavours:
Triple berries, Passion Fruit, Blackcurrant, Pear,


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