Transports Veynat

Transports Veynat


Company description

The Veynat group is a transport family company. It is specialist of liquid food transport in tankers. It supports and helps its clients’ growth throughout France and Europe. Created in 1884, Veynat is the market leader in this field. We are involved in the control of hygiene, safety and quality. We are concerned by greenhouse gas emission too. These are compulsory and worthwhile efforts. We’ve got various certifications and above all our customers’ trust.

Quick facts

Sales markets Western Europe
Primary business activity Food Safety, Quality and Service
Affiliated categories: Services & Equipment More

Recently at

28 nov 2023

Fi Europe

28 - 30 Nov 2023 Frankfurt, Germany We were at stand 3.1A200 See our Exhibitor Profile   See full Exhibitor List

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Transports Veynat

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