Product description

Botanical Names of Psyllium : Plantago Ovata, Plantago IspaghulaCommon Names of Psyllium : Flea, lspaghua, Spogel, Plantago Psyllium, Isaphgol, Plantago sp., Isabgula, Plantaginis Ovatae Semen (Semen Plantaginis Ovatae), Semen Ispaghulae.The husk of Psyllium is the actual coating of mucilage around the seed. It is considered pure dietary fiber and is the only part of the plant used in manufacturing Psyllium products.Its nutritional value consists mainly of glycosides, proteins, polysaccharides, vitamin B1, and choline. Fiber content of over 80% compared to less than 15% for oat bran and 10% for wheat bran.The husk is composed mostly of a fiber called hemicellulose which is a complex carbohydrate found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables.Hemicellulose is undigestible, however, it is partially broken down in the colon and feeds the friendly intestinal flora.
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Categories Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Sales markets Western Europe; Eastern Europe; Middle East; Asia; Australia; North America; Central/South America
Supplied from India
Product Applications Bakery; Confectionary; Desserts / ice cream; Healthy Food & Beverages; Meat & meat products; Pharmaceutical
Product Certifications Halal; Health & Safety (GMP, HAACP and equivalents); Kosher; Organic; Sustainable Seafood

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