Product description

For enzymatic acrylamide reduction in soluble coffee and coffee extracts
Acrylerase® is a food-grade amidase specifically developed for highly efficient acrylamide degradation (up to 90 %) under conditions typical for coffee and coffee surrogate extracts.
Acrylerase® provides a flexible, easy-to-use and efficient solution for acrylamide reduction in:
  • soluble coffee
  • coffee concentrates
  • coffee surrogates

Areas of Application
Acrylamide is a process contaminant formed during manufacturing of soluble coffee, coffee extracts and coffee surrogates. Since acrylamide in food potentially increases the risk of cancer for consumers, limiting human exposure and mitigating this contaminant is a high priority issue in several regulatory acts allover the world.

BenefitsAcrylerase® allows to control acrylamide levels more efficiently than current mitigation measures such as other enzymatic solutions, changing of roasting parameters, reduction of yield or green coffee selection.
  • Drop-in solution which can be easily implemented in existing manufacturing processes
  • Highly efficient reduction of Acrylamide by direct decomposition
  • Replacement of other costly mitigation measures such as reduction of yield
  • Access to a wider range of green coffee beans in an increasingly tight market
  • Regulatory compliance and brand protection 
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Categories Coffee / Tea; Enzymes
Supplied from Germany

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