Product description

Our soy is:

- Sustainable, as certified by ccpb uni en iso 14040 LCA;

- Non-GMO certified by Det norske Veritas product certification.

- Supply chain compliant with Uni En ISO 22005, certified by Det Norske Veritas.

 We can also offer soy cleaned and selected with the most advanced technologies available on the market (including optical), decorticated/Split, also with food grade roasting. Our company is also testing new varieties that could have particular advantages on term of quality (high proteins, high oleic acid, and so on) or yield. After tests, we have already realized overperfomance on yields on quality!In addition to ingredients, our group could also offer the possibility of supplying tofu, vegetal spreadable as a co-paker or for industrial use, thanks to Organa, the Slovenian company of the group.

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Categories Meat Replacements; Plant-based Products; Proteins
Sales markets Western Europe; Eastern Europe; Middle East; Asia; North America; Africa
Supplied from Italy
Product Applications Bakery; Cereals & Convenience Foods & Snacks; Desserts / ice cream; Dietary Supplements; Infant Nutrition/ Baby Foods & Infant Formula; Organic Products; Proteins; Vegetarian / Vegan Products
Product Certifications Animal welfare certified; Gluten-free; Health & Safety (GMP, HAACP and equivalents); Health claims; Kosher; Organic; Quality assurance; Sustainable; Traceable; Vegan

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