Product description

This is a product with unique attributes to promote a good condition of hair and nails helping them to be strong, silky and shiny. Selenium and biotin contribute to maintaining a normal hair and nails condition. Moreover, biotin has beneficial effects on skin and mucosal membrane health. The sea buckthorn is suitable as an immune system promoter, helps relieve fatigue, stimulates good heart and digestive tract functioning, contains the most precious substance of its berries, the sea buckthorn oil, which assists a good skin condition and enhances beautiful, strong and shiny hair and nails. The product is complemented with valuable mushrooms and the essential amino acid L-methionine.
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Categories Herbal products and remedies; Herbs and Spices; Vitamins & supplements
Sales markets Western Europe; Eastern Europe; Middle East; Asia; Africa
Supplied from Czech Republic
Product Applications Food Supplements; Fruit & Vegetable; Natural And Traditional Remedies; Natural Products; Vegetarian / Vegan Products
Product Certifications Gluten-free; Health & Safety (GMP, HAACP and equivalents); Natural; Vegan; Vegetarian

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