Phyto Fermented Drink - Zymologist™

Product description

Phyto Fermented DrinkZymologist® Phyto Fermented Drink is produced by the proprietary technology TotalFerm™, which facilitates the complete release of phytochemicals, such as flavonoids (polyphenols), carotenoids, organic sulfides, and phenolic acids, from fruits and vegetables. Zymologist® contains less than 2.5% (w/v) sugar, high dietary fiber, and abundant antioxidants, and it is suitable for every population to acquire multiple health benefits. 

Technology-based Fermentation
Instead of using traditional plastic fermentation containers, the fermentation of Zymologist® is using our proprietary fermentation tanks made of 316L food grade stainless steel to avoid the food safety concerns regarding contamination and toxic plasticizing agents. Clean gas (filtered by bacterial filters) is regularly injected into the sealed tanks to stir the contents at high speeds without opening the lids, thereby contamination of airborne microorganisms can be eliminated during fermentation.
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Phyto Fermented Drink - Zymologist™

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Categories Antioxidant; Enzymes; Nutrients
Sales markets Asia
Supplied from Taiwan, China
Product Applications Dietary Supplements; Food Supplements; Healthy Food & Beverages; Natural Products; Personal Care; Vegetarian / Vegan Products
Product Certifications Health & Safety (GMP, HAACP and equivalents); Quality assurance

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Phyto Fermented Drink - Zymologist™

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