Product description

Naturalin bio-resources co. ltd offers a wide range of products which includes Green Coffee Bean Extract. Applications: Applied in pharmaceutical field, to be used as raw materials to reduce blood pressure. Applied in cosmetic field, green coffee extract can effectively regulate the skin, stimulate vigor and arouse the spirit. Applied in food field, the coffee are most popular food among people. Naturalin’s green coffee bean extract is made from the unroasted beans of Coffea Arabica L., and results in a high level of chlorogenic acid and other caffeoylquinic acids. Besides its supreme anti-oxidant and fat accumulation suppressing properties, Naturalin’s green coffee bean product is water-soluble, which allows its easy addition in drinks. Packing: Pack in paper-drums and two plastic-bags inside. Net Weight: 25kgs/paper-drum. 1kg-5kgs plastic bag inside with aluminum foil bag outside. Net Weight: 20kgs-25kgs/paper-drum. Contact us for more information.
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Categories Nutrients
Sales markets Asia
Supplied from China

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