Product description

Naturalin bio-resources co. ltd offers a wide range of products which includes Luo Han Guo Extract. Applications: Pharmaceuticals, Dietary Supplement, such as capsules or tablets. Luo Han Guo extract, also Fructus Momordicae extract is an incredibly exciting and totally unique new sweetener that provides benefits no other sweeteners can. Unlike sugar, Stevia, Equal, Sweet ON Low and other ordinary sweeteners, Luo Han Guo extract does not stimulate fat storage, elevate insulin levels or raise cholesterol. Made from natural Lo Han fruit, Luo Han Guo extract has been clinically proven to speed up the fat burning process without stimulating insulin production. Luo Han Guo extract is the first and only sweetener available that's great for weight loss, completely natural, and safe for diabetics, children, hypoglycemics, and anyone who wants to significantly improve their diet. Packing: Pack in paper-drums and two plastic-bags inside. Net Weight: 25kgs/paper-drum, 1kg-5kgs plastic bag inside with aluminum foil bag outside. Net Weight: 20kgs-25kgs/paper-drum. Contact us for more information.
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Categories Nutrients
Sales markets Asia
Supplied from China

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