Bifidobacterium breve M-16V: Ideal Probiotic for Infant Health

Product description

B. breve M-16V (designated as M-16V) has emerged as one of the best studied clinically effective probiotic strains that exert positive effects, particularly in infants, to support healthy growth and promote well-being. 
M-16V has been demonstrated to promote early gut microbial colonization as a means to support healthy growth and to shape a healthy gastrointestinal and immune system. M-16V may involve in the regulation of immune balance and inflammatory response to protect high-risk infants from necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and allergy. Since 1994, M-16V has been offered to more than 140 neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) and pediatric departments of the affiliated hospitals in Japan to support healthy growth of babies. In 2012, M-16V has also been used in the NICUs in Australia and more recently, it has been introduced at NICUs in New Zealand and Singapore.  Contact us at for more information.
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Bifidobacterium breve M-16V: Ideal Probiotic for Infant Health

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Categories Probiotics
Sales markets Asia
Supplied from Japan
Product Applications Dietary Supplements; Food Supplements; Healthy Food & Beverages; Infant Nutrition/ Baby Foods & Infant Formula; Pharmaceutical
Product Certifications Halal; Health & Safety (GMP, HAACP and equivalents); Health claims; Kosher; Quality assurance; Sustainable Seafood

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Bifidobacterium breve M-16V: Ideal Probiotic for Infant Health

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