Product description

Natural Sweeteners.
We offer a wide range of natural sweeteners that provide a healthier alternative to traditional sugar. Our products are derived from various plant sources and offer a sweet taste without the calories or negative effects on blood sugar levels. Explore our selection of natural sweeteners below:

Stevia (Steviol Glycosides) from Leaf Extract & Bioconversion
Our stevia sweeteners are sourced from stevia leaf extract and other type undergo a bioconversion process to obtain the desired steviol glycosides. Stevia is a natural, zero-calorie sweetener that is significantly sweeter than sugar. It can be used in a variety of food and beverage applications, providing a great-tasting, low-calorie option.

● Sweet Tea Extract (Black Berry Leaf Extract) 
Derived from blackberry leaves, our sweet tea extract offers a unique and natural sweetness. It contains natural compounds that provide a pleasant taste without the need for added sugar. This extract can be used in teas, beverages, and culinary creations. 

● Monk Fruit Extract 
Monk fruit extract, also known as Luo Han Guo, is a natural sweetener derived from the monk fruit. It contains mogrosides, which are intensely sweet compounds but have no impact on blood sugar levels. Monk fruit extract is an excellent alternative to sugar and can be used in various applications, including beverages, baked goods, and desserts.

● Neohesperidin(Dihydrochalcone)
Neohesperidin is a natural sweetener found in citrus fruits. It offers a strong, sweet taste and is often used as a flavor enhancer. Neohesperidin has a low glycemic index and does not contribute to calories or carbohydrates. It can be used in beverages, confectionery, and other food products to provide a natural and balanced sweetness.


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Categories Sweeteners / Sugar replacements
Sales markets Western Europe; Eastern Europe; Middle East; Asia; Africa; Central/South America
Supplied from China; Netherlands; United States
Product Applications Bakery; Cereals & Convenience Foods & Snacks; Dairy; Desserts / ice cream; Dietary Supplements; Food Supplements; Proteins
Product Certifications Gluten-free; Halal; Health & Safety (GMP, HAACP and equivalents); Health claims; Kosher; Natural; Organic; Quality assurance; Sustainable

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