Product description

Maltitol, a versatile sugar substitute derived from maltose, stands out for its sweet taste, low glycemic index, and reduced caloric content compared to sucrose. With properties such as humectancy, stability, and digestive tolerance, maltitol finds widespread use in candies, chocolates, baked goods, and pharmaceutical preparations. While it offers benefits such as weight management and dental health, excessive consumption may lead to gastrointestinal discomfort. Approved by the FDA for human consumption, maltitol serves as a viable option for individuals aiming to reduce sugar intake without sacrificing the taste or texture of their favorite foods. Thus, maltitol emerges as a promising alternative in the quest for healthier dietary choices. Features:  Low GI, Reduced Caloric Content, Humectant, Digestive Tolerance. Applications: manufacturing of chewing gums, Jams, icecream, daubed foods, baking food and diabetes food, beverages.
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Categories Sweeteners / Sugar replacements
Sales markets Asia
Supplied from India
Product Applications Bakery; Beverages; Confectionary; Dairy; Desserts / ice cream; Dietary Supplements; Energy Drinks; Food Supplements; Healthy Food & Beverages; Snacks; Sports Nutrition; Wine & spirits
Product Certifications Gluten-free; Halal; Health & Safety (GMP, HAACP and equivalents); Health claims; Kosher; Quality assurance; Vegan; Vegetarian

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