Latest News in the food Industry

Natural & Clean Label

Research: chlorine can make foodborne pathogens undetectable

Research: chlorine can make foodborne pathogens undetectable

25 Apr 2018

Chlorine, commonly used in the agriculture industry to decontaminate fresh produce, can make foodborne pathogens undetectable according to new research led by the University of Southampton.

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Almonds a key ingredient in healthy snacking

Almonds a key ingredient in healthy snacking

18 Apr 2018

More almond-containing products were launched in Europe than in any other region in the world in 2016, as the trend toward healthier snacking has given the nuts a major boost.

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Mintel: Asia Pacific also embracing non-animal protein

Mintel: Asia Pacific also embracing non-animal protein

18 Apr 2018

Mintel reveals that as many as two in five (39%) urban Indonesians and one in three (34%) urban Thais consumed more non-animal sources of protein (e.g. plant, dairy, grains) in 2017, compared to the previous year.

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DSM sees 11% organic sales growth

DSM sees 11% organic sales growth

17 Apr 2018

DSM has issued preliminary results for Q1 2018, ahead of the scheduled Q1 results announcement on 8 May 2018. The company says it saw continued strong organic sales growth in underlying business.

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Grain, dairy prices drive FAO Index higher

Grain, dairy prices drive FAO Index higher

10 Apr 2018

The FAO Food Price Index rose in March, driven by robust increases in grains and dairy prices. In March, the Index averaged 172.8 points, 1.1% higher than in February and 0.7% above its value a year earlier.

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Study: meat protein, bad - nut protein, good

Study: meat protein, bad - nut protein, good

9 Apr 2018

A study conducted by researchers in California and France has found that meat protein is associated with a sharp increased risk of heart disease while protein from nuts and seeds is beneficial for the human heart.

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Natural solutions for salt reduction

Natural solutions for salt reduction

5 Apr 2018

Salt reduction is one of the food industry’s megatrends, but many of the options available to food manufacturers clash with demand for clean labels.

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Cargill starts production of EverSweet

Cargill starts production of EverSweet

22 Mar 2018

Cargill has officially started producing EverSweet, a zero-calorie, next-generation sweetener made with what the company claims are two of the best tasting sweet compounds found in the stevia leaf.

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Cargill intros de-oiled lecithin products

Cargill intros de-oiled lecithin products

21 Mar 2018

In response to what it sees as growing consumer demand for label-friendly ingredients, Cargill is introducing a new range of de-oiled lecithin products to complete its portfolio of GMO and non-GMO lecithin products.

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PureCircle claims first commercially viable stevia antioxidant

PureCircle claims "first" commercially viable stevia antioxidant

30 Jun 2017

PureCircle has announced that it has developed what it claims is the first commercially viable stevia antioxidant product providing food and beverage companies new access to health and wellness ingredients for their consumers.

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Soozie's Doozies wins

Soozie's Doozies wins

16 Aug 2016

All-natural cookie maker Soozie’s Doozies has been named the grand prize winner of the 2016 Food Innovation Challenge, and will receive $50,000 in seed funding from ADM and $50,000 in services from National Foodworks Services (NFS).

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Consumers seeking healthier snacking options

Consumers seeking healthier snacking options

22 Jul 2016

As Americans move away from traditional meal occasions, snacking more throughout the day, consumers are seeking healthier snacking options, according to Mintel, with 73% willing to pay extra for snacks made with high quality ingredients.

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